The Fruit of the Spirit and Emotional Intelligence

How does your life taste to other people? Are you walking in step with the Holy Spirit, enough so that the “fruit of the Spirit” is evident in the ways you interact with others?[i] How about your “Emotional Intelligence,” which Daniel Goleman defines as “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for …

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Who is This King that Demands my Life?

  Leonidas at Thermopylae     By Paul Richardson   DO YOU SEE THIS PAINTING? I SPENT COUNTLESS HOURS staring at it when I was a little boy. My dad kept a book about ancient Greece and Rome. From the time I was four or five years old, I would often pull it off the shelf, take it to …

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Searching for God

Are You Looking in the Wrong Direction?   Arif’s muscles strained as he worked to control his tiny watercraft. Having paddled out from the beach at sunrise with no intention to go beyond the safety of his village’s harbor, Arif wanted to dive for lobsters, fill his basket, and be home within a few hours so …

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Into the Flood (on dry land)

INTO THE Flood (on dry land) “…and the feet of the priests who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest) that the waters which came down from upstream stood still, and rose in a heap very far away … …

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How’s Your Love Life?

How's Your Love Life? Do you experience intimacy with your Creator? Can you look back over your life and see his footprints next to yours? Or do you just know about God through the stories about him? This message could very well change your life. Click below to listen to this audio podcast, or search …

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Stepping Over the Edge

Can you trust God with your life?  How did God create you to thrive?  In this audio podcast, Paul Richardson gives a stirring talk challenging his listeners to overcome two core Western values. Time to send shock waves through your theology… Click below to listen to this talk, or subscribe to this free podcast by …

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A Stolen Glimpse of Heaven

A Stolen Glimpse of Heaven By Faith Wilson The project was about visual literacy. My professor had given us 10 words and we had to take one photo that represented each word; diffusion, economy, exaggeration, etc. The project due date was quickly approaching. I frantically searched my apartment for something to alleviate the assignment. “Hmmm, …

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Interview with Paul on 100 Huntley Street (part two)

Here is part two of a powerful interview with Paul Richardson which he recently did on the Canadian TV show, "100 Huntley Street."  In it he tells the harrowing tale of his son's drowning in 1999, miraculous healing and a subsequent encounter with God.  He also talks about the vision for quality Christian eduction that …

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Interview with Paul on 100 Huntley Street (part one)

Hey Faith Activating Friends, Here's part one of an interview with Paul Richardson which he recently did on the Canadian TV show, "100 Huntley Street." It's an interesting discussion on the backdrop on his dad's book, "Peace Child," redemptive analogies, his growing up years in Papua and how our culture tries to insulate us from …

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Adrenaline Rush

By Faith Wilson   I stared up the towering wall of limestone before me. The thought of scaling it was daunting. I watched in awe as person after person in front of me carefully clung to seemingly invisible nooks and crannies that allowed them to slowly and steadily ascend the vertical mass.   It was …

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