Mr. Swan

My five-year-daughter Naomi and I recently went swan hunting along the banks of the Colorado River which flows through our fair city of Austin. Before you notify the Humane Fowl Society, I mean “hunt” in the sense of looking for them to admire their majestic beauty. We were strolling along this river during half time …

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You Are Not A Mistake

Small Texas town secret. A hasty wedding. A feeling of rejection that seeped into Shane’s little soul, leaving him to feel unaccepted at his deepest core. It was hard for him to shake or understand, even as he grew older. Listen as Mike O’Quin interviews Shane Harris on his journey from shameful secrecy to celebrated …

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Uprooting Lies and Renewing Your Mind

Are there lies that you are believing about yourself this very minute? You betcha there are. All of us walk in a degree of deception, believing lies about ourselves, others and God. In this audio podcast, Mike O’Quin interviews Russell Grigsby on his study into how believers can be set free to believe the truth …

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Position Your Heart for Revival

Is revival something God does sovereignly on His own to wake up the hearts of His people, or something that we have to cry out for in prayer before He will move?  In this audio podcast, Mike O’Quin and Shane Harris dive into this question, based on Shane’s research into past spiritual awakenings.  What are …

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The Welsh Revival

The world had never seen anything like it.  During 1904 in Wales, an unprecedented spiritual awakening swept over that country, bringing over 100,000 people to Christ, filling churches and prayer meetings to overflowing, and transforming society.  People were so absorbed with the things of heaven that popular sporting events had to be cancelled.  The cry …

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Fulton Street Revival

In September of 1857 in New York City, a 48-year-old businessman and lay minister named Jeremiah Lanphier was desperate for a move of God in his city.  Frustrated at the lack of spiritual interest he encountered as he invited people to services at the North Dutch Reformed Church, he walked the streets and passed out …

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Best Feeling Ever

I received a phone call this morning at 6 AM from the Austin Independent School District, a recorded message announcing that school was cancelled today for “inclement weather.” That inclement weather is a winter storm blowing in, icing over the roads and teasing Austin with a tiny bit of snow, a rarity for Central Texas.  …

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Not Like Me (Part One)

An interview with Eric Bryant, author of the book “Not Like Me,” which challenges the church to reach beyond its insulated subculture to love and influence a broken and diverse world.  I hope you enjoy and feel as inspired by the interview as I did!  I’ll post part two next week…. Click below to listen …

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Sustaining Movements

Spiritual transformation ain’t easy. Getting people to a deeper level of spiritual maturity take a tremendous amount of long term commitment. Listen as Paul Richardson and Mike O’Quin talk about reaching children with the Gospel and raising them up as leaders. Using his experience in Papua as a backdrop, Paul makes the case that creating …

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A Lady of Legacy

Listen to Paul and Mike talk about one of their heroes, a fiery little lady named Lillian Dickson who poured out her life for the tribal peoples of Taiwan. They touch on her legacy, how she founded Mustard Seed International in the 1950's, and some modern MSI heroes. Click below to listen or search for …

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