The Fruit of the Spirit and Emotional Intelligence

How does your life taste to other people? Are you walking in step with the Holy Spirit, enough so that the “fruit of the Spirit” is evident in the ways you interact with others?[i] How about your “Emotional Intelligence,” which Daniel Goleman defines as “the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for …

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Sustaining Movements

Spiritual transformation ain’t easy. Getting people to a deeper level of spiritual maturity take a tremendous amount of long term commitment. Listen as Paul Richardson and Mike O’Quin talk about reaching children with the Gospel and raising them up as leaders. Using his experience in Papua as a backdrop, Paul makes the case that creating …

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A Lady of Legacy

Listen to Paul and Mike talk about one of their heroes, a fiery little lady named Lillian Dickson who poured out her life for the tribal peoples of Taiwan. They touch on her legacy, how she founded Mustard Seed International in the 1950's, and some modern MSI heroes. Click below to listen or search for …

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Growing Older Courageously

All out of love? What does the legendary 70’s band Air Supply have to do with growing older courageously?  In this week’s audio podcast, Paul and Mike talk about cruising into your 40’s, 50’s and beyond with a big silly grin on your face. Live in the new glory days. Click below to listen or …

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Pac-Man Leadership

In this short discussion, Paul Richardson and Mike O’Quin unpack three essential elements of spiritually healthy organizations, using the acronym P.A.C.  What are those three ingredients?  You’ll have to listen to find out… Click below to hear the conversation or search for “Faith Activators” in the iTunes store to subscribe to this podcast. Pac-Man Leadership …

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EQ for Spiritual Leaders: Social Skill

How are your team building skills?  Are you helping the people on your team find their unique places and empowering them toward collective goals?  In this audio podcast, the last one in a series on Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Paul Richardson, author of A Certain Risk, and Mike O’Quin, author of Growing Desperate, unpack the EQ category …

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EQ For Spiritual Leaders: Are You Really Listening?

IMAGINE HOW RICH our relationships could be if we learned to see the world through another person’s eyes, feel the weight of their burdens, understand their fears, and rejoice when their hearts leap with joy. Listen in on the conversation as Paul Richardson, author of A Certain Risk, and Mike O’Quin, author of Growing Desperate,  talk honestly about …

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EQ for Spiritual Leaders: Motivation

What gets you out of bed on Monday morning?  Researchers have consistently found that intrinsic motivation in leaders’ lives beat extrinsic motivation hands down.  A person with a desire to make a difference in the world is going to be more passionate and find more joy in their work over the long-term than someone only …

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EQ for Spiritual Leaders: Self-Regulation

The Apostle Paul described it 2,000 years ago, identifying this amazing super-power quality as being so remarkable and rare that it is evidence of the Spirit of the Creator within a person. Now researchers are finding that the ability to regulate oneself is an instrumental quality in all aspects of effectiveness. Listen in as Paul …

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EQ for Spiritual Leaders: Self-Awareness

Daniel Goleman defines self-awareness as “knowing one’s strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others.”[i]  In his research and writings on Emotional Intelligence (EQ), leaders high in this emotional competency are more effective and successful than those who are less aware of their impact on others. In this podcast series, Paul Richardson, author of A Certain …

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