The Original Facebook

By Mike O’Quin
Facebook is so new that my spellcheck doesn’t even recognize it. Every time I type in the word “facebook,” Microsoft Word underlines it with a red squiggly to let me know it isn’t a real word. Ironically, MS Word doesn’t recognize the word “spellcheck” either, which also gets a squiggly—I guess it’s technically two words though with time I bet it will grammatically merge into one.

I’m sure newer versions of spellcheck won’t dare leave Facebook out. This social media site is so ubiquitous in our world it’s hard to imagine how we twittered our time away without it. Or is that tweeted away our time? John Piper said of these social medial phenomenons, “One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.” Ouch.

There is a much older version of Facebook. The ancient Scriptures liken themselves to a mirror that a man holds up to his face. The apostle James uses this analogy.

Caged Eagles

IN JUNE 1944, WHILE WAITING TO BE EXECUTED in a Nazi prison cell, Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote some of the most soul searching poetry I’ve encountered. The marching boots of certain death approached with each tick of the clock. In this condition of unimaginable anxiety, his words plunged with unmasked veracity into the freedom of truth. In one poem called Who Am I? he wrote the following lines: